Friday, October 12, 2007


You know that old saying, "Some kind of help is no help at all." Luckily the help I'm getting far outweighs Jacob's "Mom, I accidentally got paint on the ceiling." and Carly's "Mom, I accidentally got paint on the back door."

Wes wisely chose a shirt that blends in with his boo-boos today. Ryan chose to help out by playing games on the computer, keeping the laundry going and folding it and staying out of the way. So progress is being made.

Would this be my choice of colors? No way - does Jacob love it beyond words? You bet. I keep hoping it's all going to come together with the trim and the second coat of paint.

Carly is happily settled in her new room and the boy's room is in total chaos at the moment with everything torn apart. We got carpet yesterday so I hope to be ready to have that laid by Monday and be done with this project on Tuesday.