Learning with Shamu
Normally, when I read people's blogs, I never pay attention to the advertising on the sidebar. However, one caught my eye on Emily's blog as it said something like "Positive Parenting." Then the small letters said something about learn how they train Shamu and use those methods at home.
Well, naturally, I wanted to check this out. So if you want to teach your child to share, to clean up, to try new food or even to go to the potty and you think you need the help of Shamu, then check this out.
Wesley watched them all and thought they were hilarious. I don't know if he'll remember them should he need them in 20 years or so. I can just picture that conversation with his wife....
"You know honey, with killer whales it's been documented that positive parenting works every time. Let me show you what I mean. Pretend that the baby is a whale..."