Thursday, September 06, 2007

"Well, that was certainly awkward."

This was Jacob's only comment after he and I watched an educational movie on the topic of how babies are made. I asked if he had any questions and all he could come up with was, "Are you going to let the other kid see THAT?" I assured him I would not - at least for a few more years. He also declares now that he will never marry - but I suspect that will change.

I'd be willing to bet money on that actually since when I attempted this "talk" with Andi, she was 2 years older than Jacob - she sat on the bed, hands over her ears, shaking her head back and forth so fast I thought it would come off and shouting, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO - I don't want to know this. She has since recovered.... obviously.

Our movie, which was watched at Jacob's request, was made in 1985 and checked out of the local library. It was recommended by someone who had watched it with their child. It is totally animated, yet quite anatomically correct. There's also a duck that pops up in the most unusual places.

If you live around here, check it out and settle down for 25 minutes of laughing out loud. Watch it without your kids first - it's a hoot and a half and you'll be better prepared to try to keep a straight face if you watch it with your kids.