Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Some days are just like that

That can pretty well sum up this day. After our abbreviated trip to Riley for Ryan and our bit of fun shopping, the day took a turn for the worse. Even while shopping, Andi was feeling nauseated, but we were hoping it was just pregnancy related.

Of course the fact that it was 256,000 degrees outside didn't help. As the afternoon wore on, Andi's stomach started cramping and at that point, the mom gene took over and I told everyone we were going home. The only one who cried -- was Andi.

She felt like she had ruined our museum plans, but the kids didn't say a word about it. They just got busy packing stuff up and getting ready to go. They never mentioned the pizza that we were planning on ordering. It's times like that when I see what great kids they are. Not a one of them whined about not being able to go - they were just concerned about Andi and Keegan.

An hour later the cramps had intensified and Andi called her OB doctor. At that point, we ended up at a hospital 165 miles from home, with Andi admitted for several hours of monitoring and an examination of her "innards" to be sure everything was good and Keegan was not trying to make an early appearance like his uncle, Zac.

Once again, the kids did great as they sat alone in various waiting rooms - sometimes with Sophie - while I went back and forth between them and Andi.

Big Guy was mowing and we had no way to reach him so I finally called our friend, Eric, who went over and had him call. Then it was just a matter of minutes till there were lots of people praying for everything to be OK and calling to check on Andi.

We left the hospital about 9:00 and debated getting a motel room or driving on home. After monitoring and some tests, the doctor decided that Andi must just have what Sophie had - but just not puking. Andi said if Sophie's stomach had hurt like hers was, then Sophie was in lots of pain last night.

Andi wanted to just come home since I had already paid for a room for the night and we left a day early. Personally, I would have been just as happy to go somewhere and go to sleep. The car would have been fine with me at that point. Instead, we took off for home.

We made several pit stops because Andi felt like she was going to puke - but she never did. That is, not until we were about 1 mile past the sign that said..."Last rest stop for 52 miles." Then she started puking. I just turned up the music louder and handed her a wet wipe. It's really all I can do in a situation like that unless I want to join in.

We made it home about 12:30. So yeah, some days don't turn out like you want them to - but when we heard the steady sound of Keegan's heart beating, nobody cared the least little bit. As Ryan kept saying in the back of the car on the way to the motel after his narrow escape, "Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, God."