Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Peso Trail - Ryan style

We checked into our hotel last night about 10 and get the kids settled about 11. Right around midnight the vomiting starts - Sophie is having her first big girl illness. She puked her way through every clean thing in that room. I went and got her Gatorade about 4 a.m and she did manage to keep that down and is feeling better today. On to Ryan....

I got him to the hospital at the appointed time - 6 am - and after getting him admitted, we met with the Dr. He said he had looked at the x-ray from yesterday and both he and the radiologist thought the Peso was still in Ryan's stomach and would be simple to retrieve by doing an endoscopy - tube down the throat. I signed the permission slips for that procedure and one for surgery, should they nick something in the process. Ryan kept telling him that he just woke up, wasn't tired and did not think he needed to be put to sleep - thanks, though.

He ordered another x-ray to confirm yesterday's and off we went to do that. Then I met with the anaesthesiologist and signed his papers. About this time the nurse comes back and says the Dr. would like yet another set of x-rays. Off we go again. After all, what's 8 when you've already had 7? This was only about 20 minutes after the first set of the day.

About 10 minutes later the Dr. comes back in to tell me the Peso is now out of Ryan's stomach, and practically passed -- in fact, it had gone a long way in just the time that had elapsed from the first x-ray of the day - he thinks we will see it sometime later today. With that, we were discharged with the doctor's words, "Long way to come for an x-ray, huh?" ringing in my ears.

We were back at the motel by about 8 - before the others were even out of bed. We just got back from shopping at all the baby outlets stores where we found loads of bargains for Keegan and Sosie. We ate lunch at Ruby Tuesday's and are off to the pool. So thanks for praying -- God's timing is sure funny sometimes, but I am very thankful that Ryan didn't have to have anything done in the end (or to his end.)