Wednesday, August 01, 2007

See Wes.

See Wes.

See Wes sleep

See Wes sleep with no thumb in his mouth.

See momma smile (use your imagination.)

After months of Wesley sleeping with a shirt duct taped over his arm and the ends sewed together, tonight he wanted to try it on his own. I let him sleep in my bed so I could check him when I woke during the night. So far though I have checked him about 4 times and he has just been sleeping peacefully, hand under his pillow.

I just woke him to get him under the cover and I whispered to him that he wasn't sucking his thumb. I wish I had my camera at that moment, because even in his sleepy state, he got the biggest grin on his precious little face.

Could be - he's an ex-thumb sucker.

Edited after "sleeping" with Wes. I was able to check on Wesley's sleep status at least 15 times during the night because that's how many times he woke me as he flipped into a new position. He would fall right back to sleep, but I did not. And he never put his thumb in his mouth - not once :)