Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Maybe he'll learn a lesson"

I've heard this phrase more times than I can count since Ryan decided to increase his personal wealth by ingesting a Peso. So will he learn a lesson from all this?

Let's recap - he is currently scheduled to go to Indianapolis to Riley's Children's Hospital on Tuesday to have it removed. So on one hand -- by that time, he will have had:

2 ER visits;
7 different sets of x-rays;
2 bottles of colon cleansing foul tasting crap;
5 days of liquid laxative;
3 doctor visits;
the indignation of having someone scrape through his poop for 16 days;
7 hours of driving;
2-3 days of a sore throat from having to be intubated; and of course,
a colonoscopy.

On the other hand, of course now all of this part of his "lesson" is going to be weighted against the field trip aspect of it.

Since we have to travel to Indy, Andi and Sophie will be going with us. We will be spending the night at a motel, where he can swim, eating out every meal and then we are going to go to the Louisville Science Museum the next day.

So he will either learn a lesson - or he'll take up sword swallowing.