Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's late and I'm procrastinating

on wrapping Christmas gifts. Then again, if it's August and you're wrapping Christmas gifts, is that really being a procrastinator? I'll think about that later.

I have spent this evening - after Brownies (the troupe, not the dessert), on line looking at far more pictures of rashes than anyone should. There are some nasty things waiting to pounce on you out there.

I'm not just idly curious though. Jacob has a rash. I first noticed it Tuesday night - just under the skin on his cheek. Yesterday, it was on his cheek. Tonight it was to his waist and it's migrating downward at such an alarming rate that it makes me think by tomorrow morning the crawl space under our house will be red and bumpy. Just in the few hours since I made the picture of him with the cheesecake - his face has changed quite a bit.

It's hard to tell from the pictures exactly what it looks like. See how sad Jacob looks in the second picture? At least it doesn't itch! He didn't eat any new foods this week unless you count 1/2 of one petite carrot - which he has eaten before. We have not changed detergent, cleaning products or shampoo.

My first thought was Fifth Disease, but it doesn't have the appearance of the "lacy" rash on his body that so many of the pictures showed. I emailed these pictures to my friend, "Nurse Amy" and that was what she thought also, so maybe the lacy part will show up later. Or maybe it's a strep rash - although none of us have had strep...yet.

I'm stumped, so I suppose a visit to the doctor is in order for tomorrow. We need to find out what it is for sure so that we can see if Andi needs to take any precautions for Keegan.