Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm only here for your amusement

and you know who you are, (Larry). You are the one (Larry) who called me a cheater tonight at church because I just posted a list I got from someone else instead of my own original thought today. Not that I would ever tell anyone you (Larry) called me a cheater.

Besides, I did post at o'dawn thirty this morning - that was original and if my brain was muddled then from lack of sleep, what do you think it's like now 15 hours later? It is pure mush. Can you relate to that o' father of nine (Larry)?

So I'm off to bed and I'll try to be better tomorrow, however, not before noting that this will be my 59th post for this month alone. I think that should allow me to be cut some slack on days when I've had no sleep.

Here's an idea, go read Andi's blog and tell them Happy 5th Anniversary.

Lastly, I will share this tidbit I just realized the other day. Sophie was born on the same day (different year obviously) that Carly and Ryan came to live with us. August 15th. Pretty cool, huh?

That's it - I'm done for. Good night.