Hidden Pictures
Look closely. Study the picture. Now tell me - can you find the basket of laundry? We will see if any of the kids see it today. It's the secret chore of the day. Shhh. don't tell. It mainly consists of dish towels and cleaning rags from church, so it's not like it's even a time consuming thing. Any guesses on if it will get done - or by whom?
Edited to add: The laundry was done by 8:30 a.m. -- by Ryan. But there is a dilemma here. Ryan did the laundry, but he did it because Jacob told him to fold it. I was gone for awhile to help Sherie and Carly, Wesley and Jacob took out the trash and did a couple of other chores so they "saved" that one for Ryan, since he was asleep during their work. I have no way of knowing if he would have done it had he not been told to. I suppose I will have to just come up with a different secret chore for the day.