Monday, June 11, 2007

The Secret Chore

As a mom some days I feel as if my word could just be spoken by a recorded message over a loudspeaker system...."May I have your attention, please?" and from there it could just rotate between

1. The trash needs to be gathered and taken out.
2. The dishes need to be unloaded.
3. Would you please bring me the Swiffer?
4. Who left their milk cup out on the table? Put them in the fridge where the milk doesn't spoil.
5. The kitchen table needs washing off. Don't just knock the crumbs off into the floor, either.
6. Who left this gob of toothpaste in the sink? Come clean it up.
7. Has anybody started the laundry today?
8. Would you please pick up Sophie's toys before I break my toe?
9. Hey, come help me fix dad's lunch for work.
10. Did you hang up the towels and rug after your shower?
11. Don't just tell me Sophie spit up in the floor - clean it up!
12. When you're done flipping on those, make sure you put those couch cushions back where they belong.

The list could go on, but just reading those 12 and knowing how many times I say those things in a month is exhausting me -- and I'm just sitting here.

As I stood in the shower this morning enjoying a moment of relative peace before a busy week began, I got to thinking of everything that gets done around here on a daily basis. I was struck with a brilliant idea as I stepped back into the shower to rinse the conditioner out of my hair.

I laid out my plan to the munchkins and they were giddy with excitement. Each day I would have a secret chore. Something that inevitably gets done anyway but usually something that I have to tell them to do - boring and monotonous for all of us. It would be a secret and the person who did it without being told would get a point. On Sunday, whoever had the most points would get a treat of some sort. Possibilities include renting a movie and things of that nature.

I wrote down the chore, folded the paper and put it in a safe place. The day flew by as chores were done without me mentioning a word. I told them we wouldn't be discussing it all day, but at 8:00 pm, I would tell them what the chore was and whoever did it could let me know.

Really, this was to my advantage -- what if the chore was done by 9 am - then where would I be -- spouting off my list again, no doubt.

I had a Tastefully Simple party this evening and when I left, the chore was still not done. When I came home, I was putting away my stuff when Wesley piped up and said, "I noticed the bathroom sink needed cleaning, so I got a wipe and cleaned it." Ding, ding - we have a winner, folks!

It was fun to watch him accept his congratulations from the other kids. You would have thought he won the Nobel peace prize and in a way he did, because our day was certainly peaceful!