Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy birthday, Andi

As I stood in front of the air conditioner last night at Sherie's shop, waving my shirt up and down trying to cool down a bit, I realized that I was doing the exact same thing - different location - the day before Andi was born 24 years ago. It was a long, hot summer in 1983 and I was so excited to know that the next morning, I was going to become a momma.

I've loved every day of being a mom and Andi is a big reason why. She is a great young lady with God honoring morals and values. She is a wonderful mom and she makes me laugh every day. She's loving to her family, kind to everyone and a great source of comfort when I am sad. She helps me keep my attitude adjusted, tells me when I'm wrong and supports me when I'm right. What more could you want from a best friend?

Happy birthday, sweetie. I love you.