Saturday, July 07, 2007

Making a quick trip up north

Well, actually, there's probably nothing quick about it. Today is the day that Heidi has to take her five children back to their foster mom for a bit before they make the move here. Her husband, Larry, has been sick all night and is not able to make the trip. Heidi was very nervous about making this trip by herself, so guess who offered to go in his place?

Nothing more fun than 8 hours of driving one day with a van filled with 9 kids and 8 hours of driving home the next day with 4 kids who will probably be grouchy from the long drive the day before.

Bill will be hanging out with our kids, eating pizza and watching movies, so I know they will have a good time. They all went swimming at Steve's (Andi and Zac's dad) yesterday and he gave them all DQ certificates, so I bet that they will be useing those this weekend too.

I called Andi to tell her what was going on and in just a few minutes she called back, crying because she was going to miss me. I would blame it on her pregnancy hormones, but I'm not so sure. We're kinda fond of each other. So then she had me crying. We can be such idgets. Of course then I made a last minute mad dash over to give her and Sosie some good bye hugs and kisses. We made a plan for them to spend the night tomorrow night and we will make cinnamon toast to celebrate my return.

We're such simple folks.