Friday, July 06, 2007

Football camp

For several years, Jacob has wanted to play football. For several years, Bill has wanted Jacob to play football. Jacob has been avoiding playing football because it involves several of his least favorite things in the world.

1. Being hit. 2. Running. 3. Sweating 4. Running and sweating with the knowledge you are about to be hit. All thing he has made it a point to avoid.

Jacob has now heard enough comments from people about being "built like a linebacker", that he now has come around to thinking he may want to play football. Of course, in reality, he has no idea what a linebacker is. Or does. Or if he is even built like one. (He is.)

However, come Monday morning he will be off for his first day of football camp, where he will be taught skills including passing, blocking, punting, kicking and how to hold and run with the ball. I don't know if they will do the more basic things like explain the rules or the positions, but I hope so.

This is a non-contact camp, so at least he will avoid the tackling part, but I'm pretty sure he's going to be running and sweating. He'll just have to use his imagination for the heavy, hot pads and tackling part.

Hopefully, we will at least be able to determine if he really wants to play football for just the price of the camp as opposed to actually signing him up and watching him be miserable through an entire sports season. It should be money well spent.