Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rockin' Girl Blogger

If they mean, rockin' in the rockin' chair, well then I'm your gal- otherwise, not so much. This award came with the following nice words from Jodi "Perri is an amazing Mom and Grandmother that keeps me glued to my chair to see what she and her kids are up to. The are constantly on a path to make the world a better place. She truly does ROCK this world. I also enjoy the adorable pictures and stories about her beautiful granddaughter."

Thanks so much, Jodi. Very kind words indeed. I certainly don't feel amazing about 98.5% of the time, but I must agree with you about that adorable baby. She just cracks me up more every day. As for making the world a better place, well, if stories of my kid thinking he's pooping Q-Tips makes people laugh, then I think that's a better world. Laughter is certainly good for the world. So, again, thank you.

I think I am going to just pass this award along to

Teresa, who is a homeschooling mom in Virginia, raising 2 wonderful kids with her husband, Neal. They are a great family who spend their time ministering to the single moms in their church, making sure they are not alone on holidays and they feel the love of Christ throughout every day of the year.

Lindsey, who is doing an absolutely fantastic job raising Adam and Andrew. The boys were born in December, extremely premature and she has dealt with all of their medical needs like it was second nature. She is their rock.

Kate, who has so many children come and go through her house - - some for a little time, some for a life time. She is a remarkable mom to many.

Leah, who with this one post, captured a lot of what I feel about Zac. In part, it says, "Sometimes children choose a path that is uniquely their own, and maybe one the parents would not necessarily choose for them. It's especially hard for a mother to realize that her job of "raising them up" is done, and that their choices are now their own. That's the season of life I'm now in. A season that involves much prayer!" I miss that kid when he's not around. I wish he called more and visited more. When he does, it does wonders for this mom's heart.

and of course,

Patricia, who does the baby dance every month and shares her heartfelt emotions and frustrations as the months pass and she is left out of the club so many people take for granted- motherhood. Andi and I have been praying for Patricia and her husband every single day for several years now as they continue to pray for a baby. They have recently begun even more aggressive medical procedures in order to have every opportunity to have a biological child.

Every time I read or hear the Bible story of Hannah, Patricia comes to mind. Hannah's arms ached to hold a baby of her own. She cried to the Lord asking for just one child. She promised to give that child back to the Lord and finally, God answered her prayers with a son, Samuel. Hannah was faithful to her promise and returned that child to the service of the Lord.

I hope and pray that God hears and answers the prayers of Patricia and Chris the same way in which he answered Hannah. I know they would appreciate your prayers, too.