Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Fourth Festivities

We started celebrating a bit early (which is OK since there was no alcohol involved) and had a wonderful cook-out last night at Heidi and Larry's with all nine of their kids. Larry's parents came out with six of their kids, Bill and I had our measly 4 -- unless you count Andi and I guess I should, because they came with Sophie. So anyway, LOTS of kids per adult, dozens of hot dogs, volleyball, badminton and bike riding. There were also many hilarious tales from "the absolute last backpacking hike I'll ever take in my entire life, you can bet on that" as it has come to be known as.

Larry's dad, Curt, was one of the guys on the hike. Thankfully - since it appears if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have had dinner or a fire to keep them warm at night. I think all they would have had to eat were their words as they kept referring to him as "old man."

We had a great time. It was the first time that Heidi's new kids had ever had s'mores and they quickly had the knack of making and eating them.