Friday, July 27, 2007

Many thanks & a scientific way to determine a winner

Thanks to everyone made suggestions for Kyla's middle name. For everyone who loves Grace and suggested it, you'll be glad to know that Andi and Jacob love it much that it is their first child, Sophie's, middle name. Sophia Grace. Good choice though.

Hopefully in just a few more days we will know whether or not they even need to think about a girl's name or if we just start calling the baby, Keegan.
Now, on to the contest.

In order to choose the big winner of the Tastefully Simple cheeseball mix, I had two choices: I could either write out 120 numbers and draw one or do it differently. Being preoccupied with other things I chose the easier route.

First, I divided the total amount by 2, so there were 60 in each group. Then I had Jacob roll a die until he got a 1 or a 2 and he rolled a 1, so everyone from Happy Momma to Dana aka Sunshine had a chance to win.

Next, I divided that group into 2 and Wesley rolled a die until he rolled a 1 or a 2 and after 14 tries, he rolled a 2, so everyone from Shannon to Dana in that group was still in the running.

Then, with 30 people left, I divided that group into 3 and Wesley, sure he could do it quicker, rolled a die till he rolled a 1, 2 or 3 and he rolled a 2 so everyone from Barb to Heidi was considered a top 10 semi-finalist. Out of those 10, Patricia loves my family :), Tonya reads every day and also happens to originally be from the town I live in. Heidi also lives here now - but is a different Heidi from the one I run around with. So, you go girls, but I can not swing things your way. It's all in the hands of the die tosser.

So with only 10 players left, I divided that group into 2 and gave Ryan the die....and he swallowed it, thus ending our contest.

Just kidding of course - sorta. I'm watching that kid like a hawk now.

Anyway, Ryan rolled the die until he got a 1 or a 2 and he rolled a 2, leaving only
Peach, Tricia, Laura Williams, Patricia and Heidi.

Lastly, with only 5 entries left, I was going to roll the dice, but didn't trust myself so Jacob rolled the die and the lucky winner is Patricia! One of my most favorite people! What are the chances?!? Well actually they were 1 in 120, but on to the celebration... Yeah, confetti dropping and all that jazz. Many congratulations.

And now on a serious note -- a word from our judges:

Typed by Jacob: I rolled a 4.
Typed by Wes: I saw him do it.
Typed by me: That makes it official. Patricia, I'll get that mailed to you and as many gatherings as you go to, you will love it. Since it was you who won, I even threw in some extra stuff for all your partying or just for munching on while you read on the couch all day :) Enjoy!