Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm Now Committed

Not as in "need to be" (no comments please), but as in, "I'm going on a vacation and actually taking my husband with me." committed.

Bill and I have been married for 13 years and have never gone further than Indianapolis together. I don't like the way he drives, (too slow) he can't stand the way I drive (not slow) and generally speaking, we've always just taken our vacations separately --- which has worked out just fine - although I usually end up taking kids with me.

But somehow we have decided to go on one together. He wanted to fly to Paradise Island - in the Bahamas for a week. He wasn't very happy when I wouldn't agree to this madness. Jiminy, it's our first trip together - let's not go crazy. I know how just driving to church with the kids in the car all yakking at once sometimes gets on his nerves.

So I chose - and he agreed, although reluctantly to go to Chattanooga. Close enough that should I need to leave him by the side of the road, he can get home easy enough and stop by the Bass Pro Shop in Nashville on his way home if he wants.

I showed how committed I was to this vacation today by booking our hotel and buying tickets to Rock City, Ruby Falls, the Incline, the Aquarium, the IMAX, the Children's museum, the riverboat cruise and several other things.

I have printed out all kinds of information, researched the best restaurants, printed out our Map Quest maps and told Andi she needed to find someone to watch Sophie. I am committed.

It's going to be OK. It will be fine. I can do this. We are going to have a good time. Akuna Metata (Just talking to myself there.)