Thursday, July 26, 2007

All's well that ends great!

Bet you thought I was talking about Ryan - no such luck. We do, however, have a reprieve until Monday. Then there will be more X-rays and if the Peso is still lodged there, a colonoscopy will be done to retrieve it.

This post is about a much more pleasant topic. Jacob ended Bee Healthy Boot Camp today with one last outing to play putt-putt and then off to Shoe Carnival, where every child was allowed to pick out a pair of tennis shoes - up to $50.00.

Amazing, huh? I had no idea they did this until Stacey told me about it this morning. So I paid 10 bucks to send him to this camp 2 days a week. They have taken him swimming, golfing, to Pump it Up, hiking and played games with them for the past 2 months. Then he gets a new pair of Nikes.

He said his shoes were only 29.95 but why spend more just because you could? I like the way that kid thinks. He came home, promptly wrote a thank you note to both Shoe Carnival and the director of the camp. He can't wait to go next year ~~ where he will be joined by his little sister and brothers!