Sunday, July 22, 2007

Back to School Outreach

Today was the day of our annual school supply give-a-way at church. Hundreds of people made their way through the church, some after waiting outside in the heat for hours. They came for backpacks, lunchboxes, supplies, free toothbrushes and hair cuts.

Jacob and I manned a table passing out information on all of the ministries at Hope Central. He listened to me talk to people as they came by for awhile, then practiced on me and soon he was telling people about the food pantry, the women's clinic and all of the classes that the education center offers.

This outreach is such a blessing to the people in our community. Five people signed up for our GED classes so that was very exciting.

Big Guy took Sophie, Carly, Wesley and Ryan out to Steve's to swim while we worked at church. He also took along an Autumn apple cheesecake that I made Saturday morning for them to have with lunch. I also made one for Bill to have and he's about made his way through his, too.

Steve called later to invite the kids back next weekend - with or without dessert - but added if I wanted to make something yummy to send along, he said they would make sure to eat it. I'm thinking Patricia's Peanut Butter pie might have to make the trip. That is my family's current favorite dessert.