Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Where to begin?

We just got home from meeting five of the cutest kids in Indiana. Heidi called me when I was on the way home from church to tell me to come to the park. She said she actually drove to church at 7:30 and thought about calling me then to come out but decided she should wait. All nine of the kids were getting along great and I can tell things are going to work out just fine.

Tina brought the boys down to meet the kids and as they were getting ready to leave, Mason piped up that he hadn't met "all the kids." I guess he was keeping count, because he was right - so we remedied that situation.

The newlyweds, Mike and Meagan, freshly home from their honeymoon were walking their dog around the lake so they also got to meet the new kids on the block. Such is life in a small town. I love it here.