Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Squatters -- literally

The building that Sherie bought for her new shop is old and has been uninhabited - legally- for some time. But there have been some squatters in there.

The water has not been turned on and there have been some squatters in in the bathroom.

With no way to flush and remove some of the rank odor yesterday we did the next best thing. We nailed the door shut and worked in another part of the building

However, we devised our plan today to bring water from home in large jugs and get in there to flush. When we opened the door with our shirts pulled up over our mouth and nose we were dismayed to see the toilet sitting at quite a precarious angle. It looked as if someone had tried to rip it out of the floor and only got one side up. Not knowing if we were going to be pouring water straight onto the floor, we decided to give it a whirl (no pun intended.) Thankfully, it flushed. Then we quickly nailed the door shut again lest anyone be tempted to go in there.

I tell you all of that to tell you what Ryan said last night which just cracked me up. He was looking at me in total seriousness and he asked me if Sherie was my friend. I told him yes. Then he asked if she was my good friend. I told him yes again.

Then he told me.......... "Well, then you should tell her to flush her commode."