Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Secret Chore -- Revised

"Your plan appears to be working." said Big Guy as I walked into the kitchen this morning and was greeted by these two sights: Yes, that would be the trash bagged up with a note attached that says -- I did this mom. Love Wes -- and Ryan fixing Bill's lunch for work.

We have added a bit of excitement and chance to the game by deciding to roll dice to determine points instead of just getting one point per day. So we got seven dice and the winner each day gets to roll and hope for the best.

Currently, Wes has 19 points for cleaning the sink and Jacob rolled 23 points this morning for being the one to fix Bill's lunch yesterday. Ryan knows me pretty well, though, because I'm just the sort that would throw in the same chore two days in a row. I guess he'll just have to see if today was one of those days.

I also had this sign waiting for me on the refrigerator. Could there be a bit of bribery going on?