Monday, June 04, 2007

Project Lottafurniture Update

Hallelujah Wanna hear some good, great, absolutely fantastic news? All of the furniture for the preschool has been built and is out of my garage. It's almost sinful to be so excited about having a garage ready to be cleaned. I've been walking around large cabinets for so long I had forgotten how large my garage is - it's great out there!

The furniture has been taken away to the next place in its journey to the preschool. It will be cleaned and painted and then moved to the church where it will be put into it's permanent place and I will put on the doors and hardware. I'm not cleaning or painting, so all I have to do is a few more hours of work to do.

Tomorrow or Wednesday I hope to make a very simple shelf to hang my jacket and purse on, along with all of the sacks which seem to accumlate with returns in them to various stores. I want to make it with a little book shelf on top for our daily reading and THEN, Jacob and I are cleaning the garage. Yippee.

I was taken out for a delicious lunch at the beginning of this project and sometime soon, I am taking out my assistant, Jacob to the restaurant of his choice for all of his help. I could have done it without him, but I sure wouldn't have wanted to since he is a HUGE help to me.

He is trying to decide between Longhorns or Red Lobster. I like a kid who knows a good place to eat!