Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It's a girl and a boy and a girl and a boy and a girl!

Heidi called with THE NEWS early this morning! All I have is a picture of pictures I printed out of her emails, but here are the newest members of the rapidly expanding family of Heidi and Larry. Jasmine is 10, Nathaniel is 8, Camilla is 7, Artavius is 4 and Eleana is 3. I can't wait to meet them and welcome them to their new home.

I was waiting for Heidi to blog about this first, but she called back later and said her day was way too busy to blog, so go ahead and share her good news. I'm guessing her days aren't going to get any UNbusier.

Go on over to her blog and let her know that you will be praying for them!