Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just in case you think I should like flowers

Bill read my blog and he wasn't upset at all. AT ALL. He totally understands that I don't like flowers and I totally understand that he's going to buy them for me anyway. This afternoon he even went so far as to talk about how Jesus got gifts that he didn't need from the wise men. Not that I'm Jesus and not that he's wise....... Sometimes you just give gifts people don't need just because you want to. I get that - I just wish it wasn't flowers.

We had a delicious lunch at Longhorn, which started with the Wild West Shrimp and we worked our way all the way through the menu to the apple dumpling with ice cream. Over lunch, I talked him into going to visit his dad, spending the night and taking his dad fishing tomorrow. So he's packing up the boat right now.

I just got online and bought his fishing license and gave it to him for an anniversary gift. We had a great conversation about how useful it was and we were sure he would use it - which is good since it's non-returnable. I'm such a practical gal.

I even talked myself out of getting the carpet cleaner today because then I would have no excuse to not get the spots out that are already in the carpet, and I just don't feel like cleaning carpets right now. So....

Now the house will be quiet. I've put on my comfy sweats, and I'm heading to my recliner where I'm going to just go kick back and enjoy a bit of solitude.

Happy anniversary to us :)