Monday, May 07, 2007

Nothing says love like

a truck full of top soil. At least that says love if you then shovel the entire truck full of top soil into holes all over your dad's yard for his birthday gift and top it off with grass seed.

By the time I work my way through similar gifts for Mother's Day, Nana's birthday and Father's Day, I may have their yard feeling more like a yard and less like a rocky mountain range when you mow it. That's the plan anyway. Dad was so excited by this unusual gift ~~ he didn't even care that it wasn't wrapped. Instead he made up a little jingle that he sang to me while we worked. He did mention that next year I might just want to send flowers. He could be right.

The kids have been visiting Grandma Carla for the past few days. She took them up to the Indy 500 raceway yesterday to watch some drivers practicing for the upcoming race. I picked them up this afternoon after I finished my shoveling.

We have been so busy around here - trying to get ready for the outreach mission our church is opening this week. It's a lot of work getting a women's clinic, a food pantry an education & job center all opened. It's all coming together at last, but if there were just a few more hours days between now and the ribbon cutting ceremony at noon on Thursday, that would be great! I know God made time stand still once before.........