Busy, Busy Day
Andi I went to Bible Study this morning while Big Guy, Ben and Larry took Jacob, Tim and Kubrick to IHOP for breakfast and to the movies to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These three "grown" men were all glad to volunteer for the job of taking 3 boys to the movies. They were nothing if not well chaperoned.
After Bible study, Andi made Jacob's birthday cake to perfection, redeeming the family honor from the ugly cake streak I
seem to be on around here. Jacob was mightily impressed with it. This afternoon Bill and I went to Longhorn for lunch and then to
see a movie, leaving Big Guy and Andi to undertake another task - making Easter egg pinata with the kids. They are drying now and we will paint them tomorrow afternoon probably. Then they can fill them with the same candy that is in their Easter eggs (I'm such a recycler.)
Sophie didn't do much of anything today. She thought a lot about crawling and sat around looking cute. Such is her life.
Happy Easter everyone. I pray that you all know the love and peace that comes with accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.