Monday, April 09, 2007

All stitched up and nowhere to go

Everything went well for me today at the surgery center. If you don't count that immediately upon me getting into the operating room in their breezy gown, the poor woman before me started bleeding uncontrollably and had to be taken back to the operating room for additional surgery. So I laid there on my stomach, strapped down no less, for over 2 hours before we even got started. I said many prayers for the unknown woman and she was doing fine when I left. Once we did get started though, I was done in half an hour, stitched, not wicked and ready to go back to my tiny curtained cubicle. I didn't even have to have any hair shaved off. They just mooshed it aside with KY jelly. So now my hair is a combo of jelly, betadine, neosporin and dried blood -- and I can't shower till tomorrow. Yippee. I'm now awaiting the arrival of my daughter to help with the kids, my husband with my pain medicine and my son-in-law, who is going to cook my dinner.

Today Jacob was in the car with me and we were talking about Cam Jansen, who is a character in a series of books that he reads. Cam has a photographic memory that Jacob was wishing for so that he could ace his spelling tests. Ryan has a memory like nobody I have ever seen regarding food. He can tell you what meal he had at any restaurant he's ever eaten at. It's really strange. We were talking about that and Jacob said Ryan didn't have a photographic memory, but he had a foodographic one.

Ryan also has another trait that can be amusing - he has the weakest stomach of any kid I know. When Sophie spits up, he just comes running for someone else to clean it up. When she spit up just now, he came yelling at me to go clean it - I told him to just get a wet wipe and clean her up but he insisted that he couldn't. I finally asked, "Why not?" and he practically screams at me, while gagging, that it was a different color. Sophie had eaten sweet potatoes for lunch and indeed it WAS a different color than normal - and so was he.

OK - off to my recliner. I was going to post a picture, but after Jacob took it and I saw it, I felt a little Ryanish and decided that I was NOT going to post it. Gross.