Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Update on Andi

Andi is still in the hospital. I really don't know whether to say her leg is worse or better. The nurses don't seem to know and when I left a bit ago, the doctor had not been in lately.

Her leg is not nearly as red or hard as it was yesterday, but the area that was red yesterday was about the size of a hockey puck yesterday morning, a baseball last night and tonight it looks more like a football. Tonight it is about 8 inches long and about 6 inches wide. Hopefully, we won't be seeing basketball size!

I am always amazed at the people who read my blog that I never know about. Thank you Natalie for coming out of hiding and posting a comment for the first time, sending your encouragment and prayers. Thank you nurse Kathy from Alaska for sending us the information regarding treatment. I appreciate you both taking the time to write.

Thank you all for your encouraging emails about pumping breast milk. I have made sure that Andi gets them and she is pumping at the hospital with a top of the line Medela pump.

Thank you Tina for taking all of the kids today so that I could go to the hospital when Andi called - a bit freaked out at the size her infection was getting to be. It is so great to have friends you can call on in a moment of need.

Most of all, thank you for your prayers. Please continue them.