Saturday, March 24, 2007

Andi's home!

The medicine and the prayers both worked wonders and after an ultrasound this afternoon to determine there were no blood clots in Andi's leg, the doctor released her. The area looks much better - it's smaller and not so swollen. No new sores have shown up.

Thanks again for praying and now we will go back to my usual blogging about my dorky kids and my way cute granddaughter!

I almost forgot to tell you what our friend, Saspirilla did. That's not her real name, but I should probably protect her real identity. Anyway, Sassy wrote in HUGE letters with a dry erase marker, PLEASE SEND A DOCTOR! on Andi's window so that it could hopefully be seen from the outside world. I forgot to ask Andi if the housekeeping people had cleaned it off when she left.

Now everyone who reads my blog that goes to church with me can try to figure out just who Sassy is - because she goes to church with us.