Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just Checking In

We just stopped by the OLD FOGEY CENTER at the condo to use the wireless internet that is useless to them because they all think computers are fancy paperweights. I seriously think that if they yell BINGO too loudly a pacemaker is gonna blow. The nice thing is that they don't hog the pool, or the hot tub, with the exception of the one VERY NAKED old lady with modesty issues in the dressing room.

*Note - The previous paragraph was typed by Andi.

But she's right. We are here posting a quick bit about what we are doing. Thanks to Larry fo r sending along a laptop computer so that we could check in. Somebody just hit BINGO! I am the youngest person at this resort with the exception of my traveling companions. We are all having a blast. Shopping, eating out, playing games and generally having a good time.

My friend, Teresa, has been here the last few days and she just left this afternoon. She was in a bit of shock Sunday night as she watched the rabid COLTS fans in our room. It's a good thing everyone else in the complex had their hearing aids turned down. Those kids were rowdy as they cheered their team on to The Superbowl Champions!!!

Sophie and Andi both have the dreaded pink eye, but even that is not daunting our fun. I miss the kids and will be glad to be back home in a few days.