Monday, February 19, 2007

The Good, The Big & The UGLY

First the good -- our friend, Tina, showed up this afternoon with a loaf of her delicious home made Amish bread and a gob of goodies for us to try. Jams, salsas, mixes, coffee, sauces -- yummy stuff.

Next, come the big. I made giant snickerdoodles today. For comparison sake, I put one by a CD. Not kidding you when I say big.
Also not kidding when I say UGLY. I wanted to try out a new cheesecake recipe for Patricia.
She was wanting to try to make a lime cheesecake but she said the only one she ever liked was from Key Lime Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. I found their recipe and even though I used lime juice, I used the full amount to make sure it was tart enough. I even added some lime zest from a fresh lime.
It taste delicious - so go ahead an try the recipe. I suppose I should point out that it does not say to add food coloring - that was a flippant idea I threw out there and Andi, in her drug induced haze jumped right on that and said we should make green swirls in the cheesecake. Let me tell you this -- RESIST THE URGE. So, although it looks like grossness, it's wonderful.