Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mock me no more, my child

I like to get what I pay for - I'm crazy like that. So if I open up a box of hamburger helper and there's nothing in the box but a bag of seasoning, I call the company. This happened to me recently and Andi laughed at me when she found out I called the company. They sent me a coupon for a free box of Hamburger Helper and a $1.00 coupon off of another product.

Andi laughs at me every time I do something like that, but I've put up with her scorn and keep on getting what I paid for.

Remember when I told you that my Swiffer didn't hold the charge after the first time? I called the company and then I exchanged mine for a new one and today Proctor and Gamble sent me a very nice letter thanking me for "helping them toward their goal of delivering top quality products and service worldwide." See what a helpful consumer I am? Along with my nice letter was a coupon for a new Swiffer-Vac starter set and a set of filters. I took my scoffing daughter to Wal-mart and redeemed my coupon to the tune of $32.46 and THEN, being the kind of momma that I am, I presented said scoffing daughter with her own Swiffer-vac. In case you can't read the note, it says, "I'm a believer. Sorry Momma."

Not only that - I think she now wants to help other consumers worldwide!