Wednesday, January 31, 2007

If you could see what I saw

But I didn't even make pictures - which is just as well, because they would have to have been movies in order to appreciate the "Dance Contest" that went on here today.

Carly did a dance she called "The Mexico" because it is fast. I have no idea what fast has to do with Mexico and neither did she.

Wesley did some sort of basketball dribble, minus the basketball for his main event.

Ryan did a mean rendition of "Shake your booty" as he shook his and Jacob, well he did his own rendition of the worm, which when done the way he did it, I had to rename, "the slug."

Round 2 consisted of Carly walking 4 steps forward and 4 steps back while drinking water through a straw - maybe not so hard for you, but for Carly, she scored high points for doing 2 things at once.

But it was all downhill from there as I watched the boys try to breakdance and Jacob ended his "baseball slide" dance with a poorly executed split that had him walking sideways the rest of the day.

I'm pretty certain that ballroom dancing is not in the future of ANY of these guys based on what I judged today. You know when the highest point score was a 4.5 on a scale of 10, you are in serious trouble if dancing is your career choice. In case you are wondering - the 4.5 was for Carly's water dance.