Saturday, January 27, 2007

Busy, busy day

Lots going on today. Started off early this morning working at the new building where the church is having their outreach programs. Andi and I helped out there till about 1 while Bill and Jacob stayed home with the kids. Both of them are feeling puny, so we went to work instead of them.

After lunch, Andi and I made some food for our vacation and put in the freezer. Ben and Jada came over and Jada helped Andi and me make 2 pineapple cheesecakes - one for our trip and one for Larry. While we did that, Ben and Big Guy cleaned out my van thoroughly. I'm talking took every seat out of the van and vacuumed, did the windows, armour all, the whole nine yards.

Jacob and I had made 2 large shepherd's pies earlier in the day for dinner tonight. Grammy and Grampy (Vicki and Ed) came over and we all ate those till the last bite was gone practically.

After Ben and Jada left, the guys and kids watched TV, while Vicki, Andi and I made executive cookbook decisions. Our church is putting together a cookbook and somehow Vicki and I found ourselves in charge of it. From what I can piece together it went something like this.... Vicki mentioned to Kristi - our women's ministry leader that she wished our church would do a cookbook.

A few days later, Kristi comes to me and says something like, "I think it's great that you and Vicki are going to do this cookbook project." I'm sure I had a blank look and I went to Vicki and asked her what she had volunteered me for and she had the same blank look then. Ahh, such is life.

So we find ourselves doing a cookbook. It should be a great one. We passed out 600 forms for recipes last Sunday and not everyone got a packet, so more will go out tomorrow. There are lots to decide when doing a cookbook though, recipe formats, covers, dividers, fonts, personal pages, fillers, colors, extras - all kinds of things.

Anyway, back to the day. Heidi came by to pick up Larry's cheesecake and was swept up in the decision making mania. We were all huddled up together making some great decisions with Andi and Heidi's help when Wes came by and reminded me that we were supposed to clean the church TODAY. Abrupt halt to decision making.

Off to church to clean and we just got home a bit ago. A very busy, productive day all around. This time next week - I'll be on vacation!