Monday, January 29, 2007

4 days to vacation

12 noon and all is well -- that is if you don't count the fact that your son has drawn on his belly with permanent marker.

Fast forward 2 hours later to....

4 days to vacation and Ryan walks in the room looking like this:

Yes, that would be every mother's dream -- conjunctivitis aka Pink Eye, the rampantly contagious infection that makes a kid as welcome as a leper at a cocktail party.

At the doctor's office an hour later I explained our travel plans and he was kind enough to go ahead and give me 4 prescriptions. He's had a couple of doses of drops and already is looking better and I was able to reassure his worry that he would never look normal again.

I told him if his eyes were crusted shut in the morning to just call me and I would come wipe them with a warm rag before he ever got out of bed. He was then concerned I wouldn't hear him yell (not likely) so he had to practice yelling my name at the top of his voice. At least he felt better about going to sleep.