Saturday, December 02, 2006

Confirming what I have always thought to be true

I'm not a public news blogger usually. I just yak about my family. But this does concern my family. It reaffirms my decision to just keep all video games out of our house. Newsweek published a story this week........

"Now, a new brain-imaging study from Indiana University—the first of its kind—suggests that playing violent videogames may indeed change the way a person feels and acts. In the study, released Tuesday at the at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, researchers found that teenagers who played a violent videogame exhibited increased activity in a part of the brain that governs emotional arousal. The same teens showed decreased activity in the parts of the brain involved in focus, inhibition and concentration."

The researchers were able to document a difference after only 30 minutes of a mildly violent game -- not even the mature rating that so many kids play. Imagine what hundreds of hours over years would do to a kid. If you want, you can read the entire article.