Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Every day for the past week I have woke up by 5 am. NOT what I want to do - although I must admit I get a lot of stuff done in the time before the kids wake up. I have not been going to be earlier, just missing sleep a couple of valuable hours of snoozing.

Sunday morning when I woke up that early, my very first thought out of my head was "WHY am I waking up so early every day?" and the immediate thought was "So you can do your Bible study."

Last night before I went to bed, I specifically prayed to be able to sleep past 5. I had planned on taking a dose of Nyquil to ensure it, but I forgot to.

This morning Wes woke me because he needed a to do a breathing treatment. My eyes focused on the clock behind him. 5:12 am. Tonight, I may be more specific in my prayer request.

I suppose I must resign myself to this. I am starting a study in the next week or so on The Power of Motherhood. Then, in January, at church, we are starting a Beth Moore study on Believing God and also doing the Read the Bible in 90 days program - so God must be preparing me in both mind and body.

If you would like to do the Believing God study, you can enroll in in online.