Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fall Family Photos

I realize this isn't a family photo, but a family accomplishment -- of sorts. My Mawmaw used to make popcorn balls every Halloween. It was just about my favorite holiday of the year actually. I loved to go help her pass these out. People in town just seemed to come by the carloads to get her popcorn balls. I have tried numerous times to duplicate this goodness. Yesterday we were successful -- sorta. Never before have my popcorn balls stuck together. They just kind of fell apart into caramel corn. I finally got my popcorn balls to stick together by tripling the sticky stuff. So they look good and are holding together. The bad part is it pretty much takes a jackhammer to break off a piece to eat. So although they look good, they are also a flop. No matter - the kids and I had fun doing them. Next time I'll just cut back a bit on the glue.
BUT IF you happen to recieve a package in the mail from me - and some reader will - DON'T EAT THEM. I can not be responsible for dental work. I am not kidding. I'll make some better ones. Throw these away -- carefully! They are dangerous.

On the plus side if my calendar holder ever breaks again, I can make some popcorn ball syrup to hold it together and avoid the super glue. As Andi commented the other day, it's pretty bad when you are committed to lifelong maintenance of a super glue mistake. Although I painted over the super glue tube which is still super glued to my counter, the paint is chipping off a bit - so I will have to keep re-painting it forever. Nice.