Saturday, September 23, 2006

Baking Day

Soccer was rained out, so Bill decided to spend the morning cooking with the kids.

Reagan and Ryan helped make the cinnamon bread and then everyone got into the act for the chocolate chip cookies.

Bill was in charge of baking so Angie and I did something different. We went out for a relaxing lunch and then did a bit of shopping at Kohl's. We both found a cute purse to buy and I bought Sophie a toy.

Andi and Big Guy are on a "date" tonight and Sophie is hanging out with us for the evening. When they dropped her off I asked if they had on their date clothes. They looked at each other and acknowledged that their clothes were clean, poop and puke free so it was indeed their date duds. Some lessons are quickly learned in parenting.

Sophie loves just hanging out in Bill's lap. They like to take their naps together.