Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Putt Putt

Tonight was the "First Annual Living Hope Community Church Pro-Am Awesome Invitational Miniature Golf National Open". Vicki and I organized this event and got to mingle among the hundred or so golfers, taking pictures and just enjoying everyone having a good time. The weather cooled down unexpectedly about 10 degrees today - there was a slight breeze and the thunderstorms that was forecast never appeared. I love it when a plan comes together.

Carly, Wes and Ryan were able to come join us after soccer practice, but Jacob's practice was right smack dab in the middle of the golf time, so he didn't get to play. Zac has been here for a few days though and he went along for the fun.

Andi was the only one in our family to get a hole in one - go figure. She can barely swing her arms in front of her belly and she gets one.