First Bath
I was going to go about my business today and not bother the new parents and just let them enjoy the day and spend it by themselves and so the kids and I went to work in the church library this morning and we were hard at work when the phone rang and Carly answered it and it was Andi and in case you can't tell, Jacob and I are studying run on sentences.
I told Andi what I was doing and she was like, "Oh, OK." She finally said she had called to see if I would come over and make pictures of them giving Sophie her first bath. Well, alright - if I must. So we finished up and went home to get the camera before going to official Mamaw duty.
The bath went fine, everyone had a good time and then Jacob fed Sophie. She is eating through a tube which she sucks the milk through while sucking on his finger or on her mama. She will do this for another day or so, till Andi's milk supply comes in.
This is a great alternative to sticking a bottle in her mouth and she is getting enough to eat this way. After she was clean and dressed, they packed her up and off she went to the places they work so everyone can see what a miracle looks like.