Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Some things I know for sure in life

and the older I get the more I know this is true. Just because you share the same bloodlines - that doesn't make you family. Likewise, you don't have to share bloodlines to be family.

My friend, Vicki, is a prime example of this knowledge. With each passing year of our friendship, we become more like sisters. We've been through a lot together and I know I can call on her day or night. She is the kind of friend I could call at 4 in the morning and say, "I need you" and she wouldn't bother to ask why. She would say, "I'm on my way." And be praying on the drive over. My kids love her just about as much as I do.

She has 2 daughters, Meagan & Samantha that I absolutely adore. Meagan is engaged to a great guy, Mike, and we are currently deep in discussion of wedding plans. Her husband, Ed (not his real name) is about as funny as anyone I've ever met. You would never know that unless you really know him. He is very quiet normally. When I say Ed is not his real name, I don't mean it's an alias for blogging purposes. I mean Vicki didn't like his real name when they started dating so she told him, "I'm going to call you Ed." So she did. 25 years of marriage later, she still calls him Ed. And we do too.

Vicki made a quilt for Sophie. It has the colors of her bedroom in it. It is simply beautiful. The little dark spot in the second picture is not a blemish. Inside the quilt is handstitched a heart that reads:

Love, Aunt Vicki

Just a special touch from a special friend.

And Andi, knowing someone would comment that they didn't want her hiding her belly behind the blanket sends this shot your way.