Friday, July 07, 2006

Canoeing on the Blue

Jacob and I went with about 20 other people from church today on a 7 mile canoe trip down the Blue River. We stopped frequently to fish, swim and rest. There was a hill about 25 feet high that had a well worn mud path down it which became a water slide. It was hilarious to watch everybody slide down that hill and hit the water, women included. We saw dozens of turtles sunning themselves on the banks of the river. Jacob had a blast on his first canoe trip -- occasionally getting out of the canoe to float along beside us as we continued downstream. Big Guy was my canoe partner and we had a good day together, waging surprise "splash attacks" on everyone.

Wes and Ryan stayed with some friends from church and went swimming today, while Carly hung out with Pappaw and Nana. She has been there for several days, no doubt getting spoiled rotten.