Friday, May 19, 2006


The kids are with Grandma Carla for a few days. She took them to Indy today where they all hung out in Gasoline Alley, yelling at the drivers, watching the cars up close and having their picture flashed up on the gigantic track screen as they mugged for the camera. They all had a blast.

Last night they went to a pizza place where after you order your drinks are delivered to you via train. Ryan, the train fanatic was in his own personal heaven.

I don't have a picture to show you of Carly's coloring, because I sent it in. Carly has decided she would rather stay another day at Grandma's instead of going to the ballet, so Andi lucked out there.

Andi spent Monday in the hospital, with what was initially thought to be a kidney stone, but ultimately turned out to be a severe bladder infection. She has been taking her medicine all week and is feeling much better. Having experienced both labor and kidney stones, I had told her that labor was not nearly as bad as kidney stones - so she was almost bummed out to find out that the horrible pain she was in wasn't a kidney stone.

I went to my dad's today and we got a lot of work done. It's amazing how motivating a new mower can be. We did things today I've been after him to do for three years. It's funny how much I just assume the kids are somewhere around. I actually caught a frog once and was getting ready to yell for them to come see it when I realized they are gone. Felt kinda silly standing there holding that frog.

I got to have dinner this evening with my friend, Thelma. She has been a very dear friend for about 12 years (ever since I moved to this town) and a couple of years ago, she moved away to Ohio, because her husband was called to a new minister position. She is in town this weekend for her daughter's wedding shower. Because I couldn't go to the shower tomorrow, we had our own little shower at dinner. There were 6 of us, including the bride and we had a wonderful time.

Patricia's surgery went well and she is waiting on the test results. I really want her to be able to have a baby - I can't imagine a more loving mom than she will be. Sometimes I am torn when people talk about how some women can just have baby after baby and not take care of any of them while other women who would make great parents can't have a baby. I understand the frustration in that thinking, but as the beneficiary of three children given to me because of women who didn't take care of their children, I am grateful that those women also exist.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day. We are having a church softball tourney & picnic. I was responsible for getting people signed up and putting them on teams, etc. It's amazing what kind of bribes I've been offered in the last few weeks.... The first game starts at 9:15, then a second game after that. After that one finishes, we will break for lunch and then the two winning teams will play for the "championship." It should be a great day - the weather is supposed to be good.

Norm is waiting on the kitchen table, ready to head out to the ballpark first thing in the morning. I hope he has a good time. The pressure to entertain a gnome in the style that he is accustomed to is greater than you may think.