Sunday, May 07, 2006

Carly aka Barney Fife

As I was gathering kids together to leave church today the treasurer came up to me and told me I needed to talk to my kids. Past experience has taught me this is not always a good way to start a conversation. But I know this particular treasurer and we share the same dry sense of humor and she was laughing, so I asked what had happened.

Seems as she was getting the money out of the offering box (we don't pass an offering plate) Carly came up to see exactly what was going on. The conversation went like this:

Carly: What are you doing?
Sherie: I'm taking the money home with me.
Carly: That's not your money to take, it's God's.
Sherie: Yes, but I'm going to take it and count it.
Carly: And I'm going to tell God you have it.