Monday, May 08, 2006

The American Inventor

Have you seen this show? People come on there with some crazy things that they try to make the judges believe every household needs. I think Wes is onto a great idea. He discovered this a few months ago, and the kids use it all the time for their spontaneous celebrations.

Today they are celebrating frozen tv dinners. I kid you not. That's what they wanted to eat for dinner, so I bought two of the family size Salisbury Steaks and I'm making mashed potatoes, corn and rolls.

In case you don't have a child with asthma, you might not recognize the machine - but it a nebulizer, which blows out medicine through a mist and it's designed to give breathing treatments. Wes however, especially likes it to blow up balloons. Pretty smart kid I have there.

Ryan was just enjoying bouncing and counting his bounces, while Jacob is enthalled with static electricty and wanted me to take a picture of his balloon hanging on the ceiling fan - so I did.

Carly is ready to dig into the reason for the celebration.

Anything to please.
Let the good times roll.