Friday, April 14, 2006

You know how people say, "I'd rather have a root canal"

when faced with doing some unpleasant task? Well, today is root canal day around here and I can think of a lot of other things I'd rather be doing. I plan to do exactly as I have been told. Eat breakfast, take the pain medicine they give me and prepare to lay around when I get home.

The laying around part would be much more pleasant if I hadn't gotten sunburned yesterday mowing for my dad. Have you ever heard how you shouldn't get out in the sun when you are taking an antibiotic because you burn easily? Believe it. Thus, the laying around part involves a whole other level of pain.

I did snag the kids while at Pappaw and Nana's house yesterday. Not only did Carly come home with a bunch of new clothes, but he made sure all the boys had several new outfits and new shoes for them all. This is not a normal thing for him, but hey - who am I to argue?

Andi is having an ultrasound next week to hopefully tell us whether there will be a Benjamin or a Sophie joining our family. Then I can be shopping with a mission. Just in time for yard sale season - perfect.