Friday, April 07, 2006

Remember how sad it was.....

when I found out on my birthday that it was going to cost an arm, a leg and part of a kidney to get my beloved camera fixed? I had dropped it on the concrete and somehow that broke it. Go figure. I have been searching for months since then, waiting to find a camera that I thought would live up to the reputation that "old faithful" had built over the last 10 years. This was the best camera I had ever owned. It was comfortable to hold, made great pictures and I just loved it. Thousands of family memories had been preserved through the lens of that no longer made camera.

I finally found one that I think I can live with. One that will serve me just as well as the one I loved and lost. It arrived today and I eagerly tore open the box, pulled back the bubble wrap and there it lay. Oh, it was a thing of beauty. My heart skipped a beat as I gingerly picked up my new camera while making a silent vow to always wear the neck strap while I am holding my new camera. I laid it out on the counter and had Jacob get film so we could test it out. Everything seems to be in perfect working order. It is is much better shape than my old camera which had gotten dinged up in the past ten years. I am back in the picture making business with my new partner. What do you think?
It came with a brand new battery, the instruction booklet, a case and the all important neck strap. I got it on eBay for $67.00. A tremendous bargain considering the original was over $300.00 - and that was 10 years ago. I love eBay. I love my new camera. Say cheese!